Origami časopis Creased

Americký časopis CREASED (www.creased.com) vznikl v roce 2011, pod vedením významného origamisty Sok Songa (mimo jiné autora knihy Skládej a tvoř).

Sok Song a jeho tým v uplynulých dvou letech předvedli neuvěřitelnou práci, když se jim podařilo získat pro každé číslo časopisu dvanáct originálních modelů (což byla jednou ze základních podmínek pro publikování autorského modelu). Celkem tedy 244 modelů od autorů z celého světa během dvou let. V šestém čísle časopisu dokonce otiskli i autorský model japonské panenky Kokeši od českého autora Evžena Duba. Před letošními vánoci Evžen Dub obdržel dopis od šéfredaktora Sok Songa, který si zde dovolíme publikovat v originálním znění. Dvanácté číslo časopisu CREASED bude bohužel číslem posledním.

text připravil Evžen Dub

Dear Creased Magazine Subscribers,

I would like to first thank you so much for your continued support of Creased Magazine. It has always been a dream of mine to bring to life an American Origami publication. Without your help and participation, this would not have been possible. In these short two years, we have managed to publish over 150 new models from authors of over 20 different countries!

Unfortunately, Issue # 12 will be our final one for the magazine. We knew from the beginning that the road would be a tough one for a niche magazine with no advertising and corporate sponsorship, and that it would probably be a short-term project and doesn’t really make any business sense from a financial standpoint. The magazine was started and survived until this point, all thanks to a generous fiscal donor who agreed from the beginning to help finance operating costs of maintaining an office in Manhattan, as well as printing and shipping expenses. We hoped that the subscription numbers would improve as we entered the second and third year, but we just don’t have the resources to make that possible with the limited number of people working on the magazine.

The decision to close the magazine has been a difficult one because, even in this short amount of time, Creased has made such an impact on all of our lives. We’ve put a tremendous amount of dedication, late nights, and hard work into producing this magazine. Most people did not get to see the incredible amount of effort, behind the scenes, it took to get this magazine finished and shipped out. I have been undoubtedly humbled by all of my friends who have had a helping hand in the editing, proofing, diagramming, printing, creating, testing, photo retouching, envelope stuffing, shipping, and lets not forget folding. All of this work was done by volunteers who wanted to help make this a better magazine, without receiving any form of remuneration.

Don’t be disheartened by this news, because Creased will be pursuing other publishing opportunities from individual booklets and collections as well as full books and ebooks from your favorite authors and creators. It really has been an amazing adventure for all of us here at Creased! We’ve learned a tremendous amount about publishing and running a small business. We will continue to use what we’ve learned to help spread the joy of folding to as many people as possible.

Your digital access to the magazine will still be available through the end of 2013 and back issues and paper will be available for sale on the website until the end of January 2013.

I am eternally grateful to all of my talented friends and editors who have worked tirelessly and with such dedication to make this awesome dream come true. I would also like to thank all the amazing contributors and designers for sharing your ideas and models with us!

Of course, we wouldn’t have a reason to have done any of this without you, our faithful folders. Our humble thanks for all your input, support, feedback, and good wishes!

Happy Folding and Happy Holidays!

Foldingly and Gratefully,


Sok Song,
Creative Director
Creased Magazine

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